Reminders and rules for the guests
The shared areas, such as the washing machine, outdoor showers, hammocks, and barbecue area, must be left in the condition in which they were found.
Guests are kindly requested to keep quiet after midnight, respecting other guests and neighbors.
Cleaning is included in the price. If the apartment is left in abnormal conditions, a deduction of €50 for the two-room apartment and €100 for the four-room apartment will be applied to the deposit.
Air conditioning is included in the price, observing one condition, not to leave it on if the apartment is uninhabited. If you want to use it outside of the rule, the cost is €100 per week.
The lawn and plants in the garden must be respected without causing damage, otherwise quantifiable at the discretion of the tenant.
The villa being close to the sea is exposed to the winds, the tenants must take care of the external curtains, which in case of wind must be tied in the appropriate points, any damage will be quantified. This also applies to the doors and windows of the villa. It is advisable to fix the shutters to the appropriate stops.
When returning from the sea, guests are asked not to bring sand into the apartments, behind the main gate you will find a point with water where you can wash yourself, avoiding making puddles of water, alternatively you can go directly to the external showers.
It is forbidden to bring dishes or kitchen utensils outside the apartment or to use them for other purposes. On the edge of the terraces or on the fence, towels or anything else should not be hung.
In order not to impregnate the apartment with unpleasant cooking odors, it is advisable to use the appropriate extractor fan, while avoiding using the air conditioning which produces the opposite effect. Fish should be cooked only on the grill of the external barbeque, especially shrimp.
Our duty is to give the apartment to the next customer in the way you found it.
Whoever comes with a dog must take care to protect the plants and the garden from any damage. The dog must do its business outside the villa, taking care not to leave excrement around. The dog's urine forms patches of dry grass on the lawn. Any irregularities will be penalized at the discretion of the tenant. It is forbidden to bring the dog into the shared internal garden.